sid meiers pirates mods
sid meiers pirates mods
mod to play as a woman in sid meiers pirates
mod to play as a woman in sid meiers pirates
sid meiers pirates mod
Category:Sid Meier's Pirates!
Category:Video game modsSuperoxide dismutase mimics the Ca2+-dependent properties of the mitochondrial outer membrane enzyme.
Incubation of purified rabbit liver mitochondrial outer membrane (mOM) vesicles in the presence of NADH and Fe2+ results in a Ca2+-dependent oxygen uptake from O2-. This reaction was used as a measure of the mitochondrial electron transport chain activity. A protein with a molecular weight of approximately 32,000, known to be related to mOM superoxide dismutase (mSOD) [E.M. Zelenko and D.E. Berg (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 1152-1156] is shown to possess superoxide dismutase activity. The time course of the reaction suggests that the 32-kDa protein, like mSOD, acts at the level of electron transfer from succinate to oxygen. The presence of NADH stimulates the reaction catalyzed by the 32-kDa protein by 2-fold. We also demonstrate that the reaction is non-enzymatic.Q:
Coding Unix executable by'make'
I created a simple unix executable with make, and when I run it, it works fine.
But, when I try to run it by "./myprogram", it throws "./myprogram: cannot execute binary file".
I have no idea about how make works, and it is my first time using it. I tried to change the permissions of the file, but it did not work.
Why does it throws the error when I run it as "./myprogram"?
This is what I did.
.PHONY: all clean
all: myprogram
myprogram: myprogram.o
gcc -o myprogram myprogram.o
myprogram.o: myprogram.c
gcc -c myprogram.c
rm -rf *o myprogram
Thanks to @jeremyNeditz and @choroba for the answers.
I have modified my makefile as:
. be359ba680
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